June 9, 2012

401 what??

In an effort to get my full "grown-up" on, I've been working on getting credit cards payed off and paying those pesky student loans every.single.month.
I'm good at getting things payed on {kind of sort of } time, but I'm not so good at conserving what is left over and putting it into a savings.
Well, with new job in tow {hallelujah, praise God and all things good}, I have had to start thinking of things like 401k and all that mess.
So last night was Friday night, and I stayed at home, made dinner at home, and created a somewhat attractive monthly budget template so I can see play-by-play where my money is going and what things can really be cut out. I have a feeling last night was the first of many weekend nights that will be spent at home. I'm good with that.
If any of you out there, would like to use my budget template, it's free for the taking. If you see something minor you would leave off or add, seriously let me know, and I'll be glad to change it up and e-mail it to you.
See, you do get something out of reading about my messy life ;)
Love- e. 

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